Monday, August 15, 2011


I have put off revealing anything about my personal relationship with my Master/Husband and I can't put it off any longer.

Our relationship is hard to define because it contains elements of many venues and I don't like to label anyone or anything because we then tend to change to fit the description rather than living out our own fantasy.

Fantasy plays a big role in our relationship.  As I have stated before I am a Muse... I love the mystical... the magic that exists in the fine line between real and fantasy.  The part that comes to life... with a little imagination...and soon takes on a life of its own... telling the story in words unbidden...yet true.  Adding twists and turns that surprise the characters as much as the reader.

So I guess I can say that our relationship is all relationship should be.  It contains elements of mystery, magic, suspense, romance, mythology and weaves our souls together into a beautiful tapestry of our love.

I am a submissive muse... always seeking to be pleasing and lovely and adoring to my Master.  And yet I'm very independent in thought and action outside of our special place.  He loves me this way... he likes that I am wise and intriguing...a strong warrior when something or someone I love is threatened...but soft as angel wings when loved and protected by my strong sensitive man.

He has strength enough to with stand any storm my passionate emotions may stir to life... he lets the storm rage around me until I am spent and then he caringly  sets things right.

He has limits... and will express these limits in ways that I don't soon forget... but they are not tight restraints. They allow me the freedom to stretch my wings and fly... to feel a full range of emotions while knowing that he won't let me go too far.  His love and strength always draw me back to the safety I find beneath his arms that surround me and pull me tightly into his chest until our hearts once again beat as one.

We are challenged and refreshed by the ebb and flow of the power of such a relationship...knowing that every time he brings me back to my place in his soul's grasp that it will be fresh and new like the first time.

Don't make the mistake of trying to sustain such a close soul connection... it stifles the very things that brought you together in the beginning and causes you to seek more than most relationships can sustain.
Just enjoy the moments of sycophancy as they come...knowing that they will happen at their own pace and time.

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